We strongly hope that our suggestions will make you happy

It will be a great help if all the friends come together. I want many people to sympathize with the gallery we make together, and I want you and your best friends to participate

It is a story of a plan to build a gallery at a good location in Tokyo by sharingt(donation) the cooperation money. A company was established to run this plan. Its name is ©️WeGallery
皆で、協力金を出し合って、ロケーションの良い東京に、写真ギャラリーを建設しよう!この企画を運営する為に、事業登記を完了しました。会社の名前は、©️WeGallery です。ここではあえて、協力金と書きましたが、賛同者の寄付金を集め、寄付をして下さった方々は、ギャラリーオーナーの権利を得ます

Inquiries from people with good ideas for gallery construction are welcome


With a good location and good atmosphere, the gallery rental fee is very high. The average rental fee in Ginza, a prime location in Tokyo, is ¥300,000 ($2,800)
In addition to the gallery venue costs, various expenses are required


The locations where the gallery will be constructed are Minato-ku, Tokyo, Roppongi, and Azabujuban neighborhood


email  diselpower@ezweb.ne.jp
Keigo Nakamura or Keiichi Nakamura (Co-representative)